Monday, April 4, 2011

Roll Ups! (non-fruit variety)

I took a break from my quilt to work on some smaller projects.  I'm not great at sewing so I feel like I need to work my way up. I want to try making a makeup bag and tote bag combo, as well as an apron.  (I bought a ton of cute fabric this weekend).

But first!  I made crayon rollups.  how cute are these?

I also couldn't resist making myself a crochet hook rollup.  I kept meaning to buy a case for them all - but never did because the ones at the craft stores aren't cute.  (just functional)  So, they've been in my crochet tote gathered with a hair tie. Look at their new home!

I adore this fabric. 

I'm hoping to renovate my childhood dollhouse soon - and the floral fabric on this rollup is what I'm doing the parents' bedroom comforter and curtains out of.  LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. Aimee, I need your email. Someone had already bid $10..00 on the item that you bid on.
